Gnoseology of human sciences and production of intelligence knowledge


  • Henrique Geaquinto Herkenhoff



cognitive bias; Intelligence analysis; Intelligence failures


It analyzes the impact and consequences of cognitive biases in the knowledge production process of intelligence activity, mainly under the understanding that cognition implies giving meaning to what is perceived and integrating it into a timely and useful whole for the decision of the policy makers. Based on recent contributions on the topic, goes through the strategies used to identify and mitigate the effects of cognitive biases and their true effectiveness in the work of intelligence analysts, mainly about the products resulting from their cognitive effort. It addresses, even without extension, the gnoseology of science, the claim of participation of human “sciences” and the contextualization of these with the activity of intelligence, reaching aspects of the conscious and unconscious process applied in the production of knowledge of intelligence and its purposes. Discusses strategies for risk management of human cognition, presenting alternatives that can encourage the work of intelligence agencies, mainly in the activity of analyzing information.


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How to Cite

Geaquinto Herkenhoff, Henrique. 2023. “Gnoseology of Human Sciences and Production of Intelligence Knowledge”. Brazilian Journal of Intelligence, no. 18 (October). Brasília, Brasil:229-44.

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