Media intelligence interactions

the cases of BNB, CNI and Mossad


  • Luciano Gongzarowska



Intelligence Services; Mossad; BND; CNI; media


Intelligence services and the media have a complex relationship due to both activities´ natures: one is essentially secret, the other is essentially public. From this troubled entanglement, a question arises: How do intelligence services project a good institutional image if the service is secret? This paper analyzes the model of interaction between German, Spanish, and Israeli intelligence and their respective media using bibliographic sources, press research, local legislation on intelligence and freedom of the press, and the manifestations of ex-servicemen. The models depend on the political and social context of each country, on society's belief in the importance of intelligence, and on the legal prerogatives and instruments at the service's disposal. This research concludes that the achievement of a positive institutional image by intelligence is backed by privileged contacts with specialized members of the media, controlled leaks, and communication efforts with the political system.


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How to Cite

Gongzarowska, Luciano. 2023. “Media Intelligence Interactions: The Cases of BNB, CNI and Mossad”. Brazilian Journal of Intelligence, no. 18 (October). Brasília, Brasil:247-66.