Analysis of Intelligence Activity Advisory

from the perspective of the Policy Cycle and Policy Argumentation analytical lenses.


  • Monique Simões Brasil Batista



public policy; Intelligence; Policy Cycle; Policy Argumentation; adaptive interpretation


One of the functions of the Intelligence Activity in Brazil is to help formulate and develop strategic public policies. To this end, the Brazilian Intelligence System and the Brazilian Intelligence Agency produce knowledge in order to point out opportunities and threats to the achievement of national objectives. Thus, this article aims to improve the studies on analytical lenses available in the field of study of Public Policy capable of helping the Intelligence professional to reflect on the analyzed policies and to improve their advice according to the studied object. To this end, this article is dedicated to the analysis of the Policy Cycle and Policy Argumentation explanatory lenses. Through qualitative and exploratory research, the studies point to the use of the Adaptive Interpretation model, from the field of study Theory of Intelligence, as a possible analytical answer to search for contemporary informational gaps and, thus, improve the advice provided by Brazilian Intelligence to decision-makers governments responsible for formulating and implementing public policies.


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How to Cite

Simões Brasil Batista, Monique. 2023. “Analysis of Intelligence Activity Advisory: From the Perspective of the Policy Cycle and Policy Argumentation Analytical Lenses”. Brazilian Journal of Intelligence, no. 18 (November). Brasília, Brasil:103-19.