Use of human intelligence (humanit) in peace operations

opportunities and challenges


  • Filipe Augusto da Silva
  • Rafael Rodrigo da Silva



peacekeeping operations; Intelligence; human intelligence; Humint.


Peacekeeping operations are implemented with the aim of helping conflict-ridden countries create the conditions for lasting peace. Given the relevance of these missions for Brazil and for contemporary international relations, this article analyzes how the Intelligence Activity, and more specifically the use of human intelligence (Humint), can help in the effective fulfillment of the UN mandate in peacekeeping operations. For this, in addition to the opportunities for action, ethical and political conflicts to be considered were explored, so that the adoption of these practices does not negatively affect the legitimacy of the missions. Considering that international security represents an essential prerequisite for national security, the strengthening of UN Intelligence structures becomes relevant. Despite technological advances, human intelligence remains a critical asset in providing information. In the context of peacekeeping operations, the UN can engage in the extensive collection of information through human intelligence to prevent and manage conflicts, provided that it maintains strict ethical principles and acts within the limits of international law.


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How to Cite

Augusto da Silva, Filipe, and Rafael Rodrigo da Silva. 2023. “Use of Human Intelligence (humanit) in Peace Operations: Opportunities and Challenges”. Brazilian Journal of Intelligence, no. 18 (October). Brasília, Brasil:53-68.