
  • Edgar Ribeiro Dias Brazilian Intelligence Agency



Theory of Systems– organizations – systemic complexity – Intelligence activities


According to Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Systems, today's society presents itself as a system (world) of differentiated functional social (sub)systems, such as Economics and Law, which carry out specific communications in their scope, produced by themselves (autopoiesis). It is a society of growing complexity. The organizations are complex systems that make decisions (communication) and aim at reducing uncertainties (complexities) in that decision. They may or may not be linked to a social system, e.g., economic system/banks. The Intelligence organizations can be comprised in this concept. This same theoretical framework, as a tool of analysis, turns out to be capable of providing descriptions closer to social reality. Thus, if on the one hand, the theory provides tools for understanding these organizations and, hence, opens up possibilities for improving their management in order to advise the complex systemic Public Power, on the other hand, it proves to be another methodological reference tool for the production of knowledge from these very structures. Moreover, the performance of these organizations must be mediated by trust; therefore, the need for tools and structures which provide reliability, and generate increasing quality of their services.


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Author Biography

Edgar Ribeiro Dias, Brazilian Intelligence Agency

Doutor em Direito Público (Universidad Columbia/Paraguay), mestre em Ciência Política (Centro Universitário
Unieuro), Oficial de Inteligência na Agência Brasileira de Inteligência.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Dias, Edgar. 2022. “NOTES ON THE ORGANIZATION OF INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES FROM A SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVE”. Brazilian Journal of Intelligence, no. 16 (June). Brasília, Brasil:139-52.