
  • Thiago Nogueira Silveira Brazilian Intelligence Agency



conflict analysis; intelligence analysis; structured analytic techniques


Intelligence services have been producing knowledge about confl icts since they were created and institutionalized. The nature of these disputes, however, has changed over time, especially after the 20th century world wars and, more recently, with the end of the Cold War. Conflict analysis developed in this context, bringing together studies on war and peace, diplomacy, negotiation, conflict prevention and management. This article aims at exploring possibilities of taking advantage of models, techniques and tools used in conflict analysis, and the process of production of Intelligence knowledge support, contributing to the still incipient discussion about convergences and divergences between the two practices. For this, studies and practical manuals on Intelligence, conflict analysis and knowledge production were analyzed and collated. In addition to presenting tools and possible practical uses of structured analytic techniques, the article also encourages intelligence professionals to think on their objects of analysis as spaces for dispute and competition between different parties.


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Author Biography

Thiago Nogueira Silveira, Brazilian Intelligence Agency

Oficial de Inteligência da Agência Brasileira de Inteligência, bacharel em Comunicação Social – Jornalismo pela
Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e pós-graduado em Gestão Integrada da Atividade de Inteligência pela Escola
de Inteligência (Esint) da ABIN.


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How to Cite

Nogueira Silveira, Thiago. 2022. “CONFLICT ASSESSMENT APPLIED TO INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY”. Brazilian Journal of Intelligence, no. 16 (June). Brasília, Brasil:9-26.