About the Journal


To publish high-quality original research which contribute to the theoretical and practical understanding of intelligence activities.

To foster interdisciplinary dialogue among academics, professionals, and policymakers in the fields of intelligence, national security, and international relations.

To critically explore and evaluate the ethical and legal dimensions of intelligence work.

To promote studies on the accountability of intelligence agencies and their relationship with democratic institutions.

Scope and priorities

The Brazilian Journal of Intelligence continually welcomes contributions in the form of scientific articles in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. The journal admits unpublished scientific articles the subjects of which fall within the broad spectrum of intelligence studies, of contemporary themes critical to intelligence, and of futures studies.

The journal seeks contributions which provide new insights, empirical research, theoretical developments, and critical reviews in the broad field of Intelligence Studies. By providing a platform for diverse perspectives, the Brazilian Journal of Intelligence aims to stimulate academic thinking and production on intelligence and its crucial role in contemporary society.

Intelligence Studies

The appraisal of issues directly related to the interplay between intelligence, state, and society; and to intelligence practices, structures, and intelligence agencies.

Historical Analysis Scholarship on the origins, development, and evolution of intelligence agencies and intelligence activities.

Intelligence Collection Research on methods of investigation such as HUMINT (Human Intelligence), SIGINT (Signal Intelligence), IMINT (Imagery Intelligence), and OSINT (Open Source Intelligence).

Intelligence Analysis Scholarship on analythical techniques and methodologies used to interpret raw intelligence data and generate actionable insights.

Counterintelligence Research on strategies and techniques of counterespionage, including prevention and counteraction of threats.

Producer-User Intelligence Relationships Scholarship on the interaction between intelligence agencies and policymakers, and the influence of intelligence on national and international policies.

Ethical and Legal Considerations Investigation on the moral and legal challenges faced in the intelligence activity, including privacy concerns and balancing security with civil liberties.

International Relations Research on the role of intelligence in global politics, diplomacy, and conflict resolution.

Intelligence Themes

The examination of critical contemporary topics such as:

Climate change and security Appraising the impact of environmental change on national and global security

Defense of democratic institutions and the rule of law Evaluating the role of intelligence on the protection of democratic processes and institutions

Cybersecurity Exploring the impact of digital technologies and cyber operations on intelligence practices, including issues related to the cyber intelligence industry, the attribution of cyber attacks, international cyber conflicts, internet governance and sovereignty, and cyber power.

Transnational organized crime Investigating the structure, operations and impacts of international criminal networks.

Futures studies

Scholarship on the methodology of, and approaches to forecasting and scenario planning, including:

Situational analysis and prospective scenarios Development of analyses to anticipate and prepare for future challenges.

Future studies methodology Appraisal of tools and techniques used in assisting short-, medium-, and long-term strategic planning.